Stream Files and End-of-Line Delimiters, Take Three
November 15, 2006 Hey, Ted
I do a bit of development in Cygwin under Windows and then move it to the iSeries using Qshell. It turns out that Qshell doesn’t like the carriage-return/linefeed combination (CRLF) in shell scripts, so I often need to change CRLF to LF–as you wrote about in two previous articles–in bulk. Here are some methods I use to convert end-of-line delimiters in stream files. The first method is a simple Perl command. perl -i.bak -pe 's/rn/n/g' * This command adds the extension .bak to the end of the files and strips the CRLF, putting in LF instead. By using a wildcard, I can convert a whole directory at a time rather than one file at a time. One could just as easily handle a single file by changing the wildcard at the end from * to the name of the file that one wants to convert. Another way is to use a Qshell script like this one, which I call dos2unix, after the Linux command of the same name: #!/bin/bash # Replace CRLF with LF E_WRONGARGS=65 if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename-to-convert" exit $E_WRONGARGS fi file="$1" sed 's/rn/n/g' $file > $file.fixed cp -f $file.fixed $file rm -f $file.fixed An alternative to sed is tr: tr -d 'r' < $file > $file.fixed –Buck Calabro Thanks, Buck. I appreciate the solutions. Little junk like this tends to eat up my day. –Ted RELATED STORIES |