Build SQL to Define Your Existing Files
June 5, 2002 Timothy Prickett Morgan
Note: The code accompanying this article is available for download here.
Hey, Ted:
We have always defined our files with DDS, but now we’re ready to use SQL for data definition.
Do you have a good way to convert our DDS to SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) commands?
— Paul
IBM included just the tool you need in V5R1.
It’s the Generate Data Definition Language (QSQGNDDL) API.
You can read about it on the Web at .
I’ll give you an example of what it can do. Then I’ll give you some code you can use to generate DDL.
Here are DDS members for a physical file called CUSTOMER and a logical file called CUSTOMER2:
* Physical file CUSTOMER A UNIQUE A R CUSTREC A COMPANY 3P 0 DFT(1) A TEXT('Company') A COLHDG(' ' ' ' 'Comp') A CUSTNBR 5P 0 A TEXT('Customer account number') A COLHDG('Cust' 'acct' 'nbr') A CUSTNAME 20 A TEXT('Customer name') A COLHDG(' ' 'Cust' 'name') A CREDITLIM 7S 2 A TEXT('Credit limit') A COLHDG(' ' 'Credit' 'limit') A K COMPANY A K CUSTNBR
Here is the SQL source member that QSQGNDDL created from the object definitions:
-- Generate SQL -- Version: V5R1M0 010525 -- Generated on: 05/31/02 14:19:55 -- Relational Database: -- Standards Option: DB2 UDB AS/400 CREATE TABLE ABCLIB/CUSTOMER ( -- SQL150B 10 REUSEDLT(*NO) in table CUSTOMER in ABCLIB ignored. -- SQL1509 10 Format name CUSTREC for CUSTOMER in ABCLIB ignored. COMPANY DECIMAL(3, 0) NOT NULL DEFAULT +1 , CUSTNBR DECIMAL(5, 0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , CUSTNAME CHAR(20) CCSID 37 NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , CREDITLIM NUMERIC(7, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , PRIMARY KEY( COMPANY , CUSTNBR ) ) ; -- SQL150A 30 -- System trigger QSYS_TRIG_ABCLIB_____ CUSTOMER___000002 in ABCLIB ignored. -- SQL150A 30 -- System trigger QSYS_TRIG_ABCLIB_____ CUSTOMER___000001 in ABCLIB ignored. LABEL ON COLUMN ABCLIB/CUSTOMER ( COMPANY IS ' Comp' , CUSTNBR IS 'Cust acct nbr' , CUSTNAME IS ' Cust name' , CREDITLIM IS ' Credit limit' ) ; LABEL ON COLUMN ABCLIB/CUSTOMER ( COMPANY TEXT IS 'Company' , CUSTNBR TEXT IS 'Customer account number' , CUSTNAME TEXT IS 'Customer name' , CREDITLIM TEXT IS 'Credit limit' ) ; -- Generate SQL -- Version: V5R1M0 010525 -- Generated on: 05/31/02 14:21:14 -- Relational Database: -- Standards Option: DB2 UDB AS/400 CREATE VIEW ABCLIB/CUSTOMER2 ( -- SQL1509 10 Format name CUSTREC for CUSTOMER2 in ABCLIB ignored. -- SQL1506 30 Key or attribute for CUSTOMER2 in ABCLIB ignored. COMPANY , CUSTNBR , CUSTNAME ) AS SELECT COMPANY , CUSTNBR , CUSTNAME FROM ABCLIB/CUSTOMER WHERE COMPANY = +2 ;
I wrote a quick utility to run the API. I call it GENDDL. It consists of a command object, an ILE CL program called GENDDL01C, and an ILE RPG program called GENDDL01R. It’s not meant to be a general-purpose utility–I hard-wired a lot of the options in the template parameter, the first parameter that is passed to the API. I have used it to generate SQL code for tables, views, indexes, and functions and it has worked for me, but I don’t make any guarantees. You will need to change it to suit your purposes.
These are the commands I used to generate the SQL for the CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER2 files in the examples above.
I hope this helps.
— Ted
/******************************************************/ /* Generate SQL DDL for a database object. */ /* No warranty implied. Use at your own risk. */ /* */ /* To compile: */ /* CRTCMD CMD(XXX/GENDDL) PGM(*LIBL/GENDDL01C) + */ /* SRCFILE(XXX/QCMDSRC) SRCMBR(GENDDL) */ /*****************************************************/ CMD PROMPT('Generate SQL DDL') PARM KWD(OBJECT) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(258) MIN(1) + EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Object name') PARM KWD(OBJECTLIB) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(258) MIN(1) + EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Object library') PARM KWD(OBJECTTYPE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) + RSTD(*YES) VALUES(TABLE VIEW ALIAS + CONSTRAINT FUNCTION INDEX SCHEMA TRIGGER + TYPE) MIN(1) EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Object type') PARM KWD(SRCFILE) TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) MIN(1) + EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Source physical file') PARM KWD(SRCLIB) TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) + SPCVAL((*CURLIB) (*LIBL)) MIN(1) + EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Source library') PARM KWD(SRCMBR) TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) + SPCVAL((*FIRST) (*LAST)) MIN(1) + EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Source member') PARM KWD(CRTSRC) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) RSTD(*YES) + DFT(*NO) VALUES(*YES *NO) SPCVAL((*YES + '1') (*NO '0')) EXPR(*YES) CHOICE('*YES, + *NO') PROMPT('Create file and/or member?') PARM KWD(REPLACE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(8) RSTD(*YES) + DFT(*APPEND) VALUES(*REPLACE *APPEND) + SPCVAL((*REPLACE '1') (*APPEND '0')) + EXPR(*YES) CHOICE('*REPLACE, *APPEND') + PROMPT('Replace or append to source?')
/******************************************************/ /* Generate SQL DDL for a database object. */ /* No warranty implied. Use at your own risk. */ /* */ /* To compile: */ /* CRTBNDCL PGM(XXX/GENDDL01C) SRCFILE(XXX/QCLSRC) + */ /*SRCMBR(GENDDL01C) DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP(*NEW) */ /*****************************************************/ pgm (&obj &objlib &objtype + &srcfile &srclib &srcmbr &crtsrc &replace) dcl &obj *char 258 dcl &objlib *char 258 dcl &objtype *char 10 dcl &srcfile *char 10 dcl &srclib *char 10 dcl &srcmbr *char 10 dcl &replace *lgl 1 dcl &crtsrc *lgl 1 dcl &error *char 7 monmsg cpf0000 exec(goto error) chkobj obj(&srclib/&srcfile) objtype(*file) + aut(*objexist) monmsg cpf9801 exec(do) if &crtsrc + then( crtsrcpf (&srclib/&srcfile)) enddo chkobj obj(&srclib/&srcfile) objtype(*file) + mbr(&srcmbr) aut(*objexist) monmsg cpf9815 exec(do) if &crtsrc + then( addpfm &srclib/&srcfile &srcmbr) enddo call genddl01r (&obj &objlib &objtype + &srcfile &srclib &srcmbr &replace &error) if (&error *eq ' ') do sndpgmmsg msgid(cpf9898) msgf(qcpfmsg) + msgdta('Generation of DDL was successful') + msgtype(*comp) enddo else do sndpgmmsg msgid(cpf9898) msgf(qcpfmsg) + msgdta('Generation of DDL failed. See + source member for errors') msgtype(*escape) enddo return error: sndpgmmsg msgid(cpf9898) msgf(qcpfmsg) + msgdta('Generation of DDL failed with + an unexpected error') msgtype(*escape) monmsg cpf0000 endpgm
* Member GENDDL01R, type RPGLE * * Generate SQL DDL for a database object. * No warranty implied. Use at your own risk. * * To compile: * CRTBNDRPG PGM(XXX/GENDDL01R) + * SRCFILE(XXX/QRPGLESRC) SRCMBR(GENDDL01R) H dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*caller) D Template ds 583 D DBObjName 258 D DBObjLib 258 D DBObjType 10 D DBSrcFile 10 D DBSrcLib 10 D DBSrcMbr 10 D Severity 10i 0 inz(30) D Replace 1 D StmtFmtOpt 1 inz('0') D DateFmt 3 inz('ISO') D DateSep 1 D TimeFmt 3 inz('ISO') D TimeSep 1 D NamingOpt 3 inz('SYS') D DecimalPt 1 inz('.') D StdsOpt 1 inz('0') D DropOpt 1 inz('0') D MsgLvl 10i 0 inz(0) D CommentOpt 1 inz('1') D LabelOpt 1 inz('1') D HdrOpt 1 inz('1') D TemplateLength s 10i 0 inz(%size(Template)) D TemplateFormat s 8 inz('SQLR0100') D D ErrorDS ds 16 D BytesProv 10i 0 inz(15) D BytesAvail 10i 0 D ExceptionID 7 D D GenDDL pr extpgm('QSQGNDDL') D Template 583 D Length 10i 0 D Format 8 D ErrorDS 12 D D*entry plist D GenDDL01R pr extpgm('GENDDL01R') D PIObjName 258 D PIObjLib 258 D PIObjType 10 D PISrcFile 10 D PISrcLib 10 D PISrcMbr 10 D PIReplace 1 D PIError 7 D D GenDDL01R pi D PIObjName 258 D PIObjLib 258 D PIObjType 10 D PISrcFile 10 D PISrcLib 10 D PISrcMbr 10 D PIReplace 1 D PIError 7 /free DBObjName = PIObjName; DBObjLib = PIObjLib; DBObjType = PIObjType; DBSrcFile = PISrcFile; DBSrcLib = PISrcLib; DBSrcMbr = PISrcMbr; if (PIReplace = '1') or (PIReplace = 'Y') or (PIReplace = 'y'); Replace = '1'; else; Replace = '0'; endif; GenDDL (Template: TemplateLength: TemplateFormat: ErrorDS); PiError = ExceptionID; *inlr = *on; /end-free
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