Is Your File Transfer Still Active?
February 25, 2004 Hey, Doug
Recently I was FTPing a large file from my AS/400 to a remote site. Upon returning from a long meeting, I found my 5250 session had locked up, and I had no idea of the status of my file transfer. I had to resend my file, which took hours. A colleague said there is a way on the AS/400 to check file transfers, but I could not find the command. Please help!
Great question, Cathy. This happened to me recently when I was required to send IBM a large file. Because of network issues, our local area network was having problems and I lost all of my Rumba sessions. “Bytes transferred” was no longer incrementing.
To view the status of ingoing and outgoing data transfers, via TCP/IP, use the command NETSTAT.
Upon entering NETSTAT, the “Work with TCP/IP Network Status” screen appears.
Enter option 3 to look at the connection status screen.
Next, simply press “F11=Display byte counts” to show each connection byte count (in and out).
Upon paging down to my desired connection, I was able to simply press the refresh key to obtain the status of my file transfer. It was on this screen that I saw my “bytes out” increasing. At that point, I knew my file transfer was still active.
–Doug Mewmaw
Doug Mewmaw is an 18 year “jack of all trades” IT veteran who currently works at Boise Office Solutions, a business-to-business catalog order company dealing in office products, located in Itasca, Illinois. E-mail