Dynamically Sized Arrays
May 10, 2006 Hey, Ted
I have created an array to sort customer shipment data in the correct order for all part numbers that need to ship on a particular day. I want to define the array to grow as needed, as we anticipate our business growing. I don’t want the program blowing up when the number of elements is exceeded. Is it possible to dynamically size an array in an RPG program, rather than specify the number of elements at compile time? –Jennifer I have two ideas for you, Jennifer. The first is to use RPG’s memory allocation features to get memory as you need it. Define the array to have some very large number of elements, more than you will ever use, but allocate only enough memory to hold the number of elements you need. If you run out of room, ask for more memory. The idea I’m proposing here is similar to the way physical files are allocated. When the file is full, the system extends the physical file size according to the increment value in the file description. Here is an example I threw together to illustrate this approach. H option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio) FQCustCdt if e disk prefix(Cus_) // Pointer needed for memory allocation operations D pInfo s * // Dynamically allocated array D Info ds based(pInfo) D CustInfo dim(1000) D Name 14a overlay(CustInfo:*next) D Number 6p 0 overlay(CustInfo:*next) D State 2a overlay(CustInfo:*next) // number of elements that have been allocated for the array to use D NbrAllocated s 10u 0 // number of elements that have been loaded with values D NbrInUse s 10u 0 // Initial number of array elements D NbrInit c const(10) // Number of elements to extend the array by D NbrIncr c const(5) /free *inlr = *on; // Initial allocation of array NbrAllocated = NbrInit; pInfo = %alloc(NbrAllocated*%size(CustInfo)); // Load the customer file into the array dow '1'; read CusRec; if %eof(); leave; endif; NbrInUse += 1; // If there is no room left in the array, extend it. if NbrInUse > NbrAllocated; NbrAllocated += NbrIncr; pInfo = %realloc(pInfo:NbrAllocated*%size(CustInfo)); endif; // Load the next array element. Name(NbrInUse) = %trimr(Cus_LstNam) + ',' + Cus_Init; Number(NbrInUse) = Cus_CusNum; State(NbrInUse) = Cus_State; enddo; // Sort the array into the proper sequence sorta %subarr(Name: 1: NbrInUse); sorta %subarr(State: 1: NbrInUse); return; /end-free This program reads three fields of the QCUSTCDT file, which is in library QIWS, into array CUSTINFO. I’ve allowed for 1,000 elements in array CustInfo. Since CustInfo is in a data structure that is based on pointer pInfo, I have to use memory allocation operations to assign memory to the array. Take a look at the calculations. The %ALLOC function assigns enough memory to hold an initial 10 elements. As I read each record of QCUSTCDT, I determine whether there is enough memory in the array to hold another element. Whenever the array fills up, I use the %REALLOC function to reallocate the array, adding memory for another five elements. Once the array is loaded, I can sort it. You’ll see a couple of examples of sorting toward the end of the program. Notice that the %SUBARR function, which was introduced with V5R3, allows me to sort only the portion of the array that I have loaded. I have to give the credit for the second approach to Barbara Morris of IBM. She suggested using an automatically extending user space to hold the array. I didn’t know such an animal existed. The idea is that you first create a user space. Here’s a quick program I threw together to create a user space called DYNARR in library QTEMP. D CreateUserSpace... D pr extpgm('QUSCRTUS') D NameAndLib 20a const D ExtAttr 10a const D InitSize 10i 0 const D InitValue 1a const D PublicAut 10a const D Description 50a const D Replace 10a const D ErrorStruct 16a D D ChangeUserSpaceAttributes... D pr extpgm('QUSCUSAT') D LibraryName 10a D NameAndLib 20a const D Attributes 10a const D ErrorStruct 16a D D AttrList ds qualified D Size 10i 0 D Key 10i 0 D DataLength 10i 0 D Data 1a D SpaceName s 20a inz('DYNARR QTEMP') D RtnLib s 10a D ErrorStruct s 16a inz(*allx'00') /free *inlr = *on; CreateUserSpace (SpaceName: *blanks : 32767: X'00': '*ALL': *blanks: '*YES': ErrorStruct); AttrList.Size = 1; // 1 attribute will be changed AttrList.Key = 3; // 3=extensibility attribute AttrList.DataLength = 1; AttrList.Data = '1'; // user space is extensible ChangeUserSpaceAttributes (RtnLib: SpaceName: AttrList: ErrorStruct); return; The program calls two APIs–one to create the user space and one to make it automatically extensible. The second program loads and sorts the array. H option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio) FQCustCdt if e disk prefix(Cus_) // Pointer to the auto-extending user space D pInfo s * // Dynamically allocated array stored in the user space D Info ds based(pInfo) D CustInfo dim(1000) D Name 14a overlay(CustInfo:*next) D Number 6p 0 overlay(CustInfo:*next) D State 2a overlay(CustInfo:*next) // number of elements that have been loaded with values D NbrInUse s 10u 0 // API to retrieve a pointer to the user space D RtvPtrToUsrSpc pr extpgm('QUSPTRUS') D Name 20a const D Ptr * /free *inlr = *on; // Assign the array to the auto-extending user space RtvPtrToUsrSpc ('DYNARR QTEMP': pInfo); // Load the customer file into the array dow '1'; read CusRec; if %eof(); leave; endif; NbrInUse += 1; // Load the next array element. Name(NbrInUse) = %trimr(Cus_LstNam) + ',' + Cus_Init; Number(NbrInUse) = Cus_CusNum; State(NbrInUse) = Cus_State; enddo; // Sort the array into the proper sequence sorta %subarr(Name: 1: NbrInUse); sorta %subarr(State: 1: NbrInUse); return; /end-free Notice that the memory allocation logic is gone, replaced by a call to the QUSPRTUS API, which retrieves a pointer to the user space and assigns it to pointer pInfo. I should mention a couple more things. First, in these quickly thrown together examples, I did not check to make sure that I never exceed the number of elements in the DIM keyword. I’ve written these short programs with the assumption that I will never get near that number, and that assumption was valid for my example because file QCUSTCDT only has a dozen records. However, in a production application, you should check for this possibility. Second, I wrote two programs to illustrate the second approach–one to create the user space and one to process it. I only did that for convenience. You may want to combine the two into one. However, a better idea may be to implement the first one as a utility program. It seems to me that extensible user spaces could come in handy for more applications than this one. –Ted |