Commands with Generic Parameters
August 22, 2007 Hey, Ted
A while back you posted a tip regarding DLTF with a generic file name. It works great! I needed to copy a physical file and its related logical files to another library. I decided to prompt the CRTDUPOBJ command and was delighted to find that the OBJ parameter can specify a generic name! The file names were similar, with a slight difference in their suffix, so I was able to duplicate multiple objects with one command. Lesson learned: prompt a command once in a while and read all the parameters. Something may have been missed or added in a newer release. I was also reminded that this old dog can still learn a new trick. –Russ Your email put me to wondering just what commands can process generic object names, Russ. On the V5R3 system on which I am presently working, I did the following: First, I ran the following CL command to create an IFS directory to hold command documentation. mkdir '/home/tholt/CmdSource' Second, I generated documentation for the i5/OS commands. GENCMDDOC CMD(QSYS/*ALL) TODIR('/home/tholt/CmdSource') When GENCMDDOC finally finished, the CmdSource directory was full of HTML files. I did not realize it at first, but the command was not finished running when the input inhibited indicator went off on my green-screen session. Third, I got into the Qshell environment and ran this command: find /home/tholt/CmdSource -exec grep 'Generic' {} ; -print | grep '^/home/tholt' | cut -c 28- | cut -f 1 -d '.' | sort > GenericCmds.Txt There’s nothing obvious about that command, so let me go through it one piece at a time. find /home/tholt/CmdSource -exec grep 'Generic' {} ; -print The find command executes the grep utility to look for files that contain the word Generic. It writes each line that contains the word to standard output. Now I have 21 megabytes of something like this: <td valign="top"><i>Generic name, name</i>, *ALL</td> /home/tholt/CmdSource/QSYS_ADDBNDDIRE.HTML <td valign="top"><i>Generic name, name</i></td> /home/tholt/CmdSource/QSYS_DLTIPXD.HTML <td valign="top"><i>Generic name, name</i>, *ALL</td> /home/tholt/CmdSource/QSYS_RMVBNDDIRE.HTML <i>Generic name, name</i>, *ANY</td> <td valign="top"><i>Generic name, name</i>, <b><u>*ANY</u></b></td> <td valign="top"><i>Generic name, name</i>, <b><u>*ANY</u></b></td> /home/tholt/CmdSource/QSYS_RMVCFGLE.HTML I only need the lines that contain the command name, so I use the grep utility to select only the lines that start with my directory name. grep '^/home/tholt' Now my data looks like this: /home/tholt/CmdSource/QSYS_WRKPRB.HTML /home/tholt/CmdSource/QSYS_WRKPSFCFG.HTML /home/tholt/CmdSource/QSYS_WRKQMFORM.HTML I don’t need the directory name on the front, or the .HTML extension on the end, so I can remove them with the cut utility. cut -c 28- | cut -f 1 -d '.' And then I sort the list into file GenericCmds.Txt. sort > GenericCmds.Txt Here’s what I came up with for V5R3. ADDALRSLTE ADDAUTLE ADDBNDDIRE ADDCFGLE ADDCMNE ADDDSTRTE ADDPEXDFN ADDPRBSLTE ADDRPYLE ADDWSE ANZUSROBJ CHGALRSLTE CHGAUTLE CHGCDEFNT CHGCFGL CHGCMNE CHGDSPF CHGFCNARA CHGMOD CHGMSGF CHGMSGQ CHGOBJAUD CHGOBJD CHGPEXDFN CHGPGM CHGPRBSLTE CHGPRTF CHGSECAUD CHGSRVPGM CHGSYSDIRA CHGSYSVAL CHGS36MSGL CHGWSE CHKOBJITG CPROBJ CPYF CPYSRCF CPYTODKT CPYTOTAP CRTCFGL CRTDUPOBJ CRTFCNARA CRTPGM CRTSRVPGM CVTCLSRC CVTRPGSRC CVTTCPCL DCPOBJ DLTALRTBL DLTAUTL DLTBNDDIR DLTCFGL DLTCLD DLTCLS DLTCMD DLTCNNL DLTCOSD DLTCRQD DLTCSI DLTCTLD DLTDEVD DLTDTAARA DLTDTAQ DLTF DLTFNTRSC DLTFORMDF DLTFTR DLTGSS DLTIGCDCT DLTIPXD DLTJOBD DLTJOBQ DLTJRN DLTJRNRCV DLTLIND DLTMEDDFN DLTMGTCOL DLTMNU DLTMOD DLTMODD DLTMSGF DLTMSGQ DLTNODGRP DLTNODL DLTNTBD DLTNWID DLTNWSD DLTOUTQ DLTOVL DLTPAGDFN DLTPAGSEG DLTPDG DLTPGM DLTPNLGRP DLTQMFORM DLTQMQRY DLTSBSD DLTSCHIDX DLTSPADCT DLTSQLPKG DLTSRVPGM DLTTBL DLTTIMZON DLTUSRIDX DLTUSRQ DLTUSRSPC DLTUSRTRC DLTVLDL DSPACCGRP DSPAUDJRNE DSPDBR DSPDDMF DSPDTADCT DSPFCNUSG DSPFD DSPFFD DSPOBJD DSPOPT DSPPFRGPH DSPPGMREF DSPPRB DSPRDBDIRE DSPSYSVAL DSPUSRPRF EXTPGMINF GENCMDDOC GO GRTOBJAUT HLDJOBSCDE MONMSG PRTADPOBJ PRTCMDUSG PRTCPTRPT PRTDIRINF PRTDSKINF PRTINTDTA PRTJOBRPT PRTPEXRPT PRTPOLRPT PRTPRFINT PRTSYSRPT PRTTNSRPT PRTTRC RLSJOBSCDE RMVAUTLE RMVBNDDIRE RMVCFGLE RMVCMNE RMVDSTRTE RMVJOBSCDE RMVM RMVPEXDFN RMVPEXFTR RMVRDBDIRE RMVTRCFTR RMVWSE RSTAUT RSTCFG RSTLIB RSTOBJ RSTS36LIBM RSTUSRPRF RTVBNDSRC RTVCFGSRC RTVMBRD RTVSYSVAL RVKOBJAUT SAVCHGOBJ SAVLIB SAVOBJ SAVRSTCFG SAVRSTCHG SAVRSTLIB SAVRSTOBJ SAVS36F SAVS36LIBM SLTCMD STRCMNTRC STRTRC TRCCNN TRCINT TRCTCPAPP UPDPGM UPDSRVPGM VRYCFG WRKACTJOB WRKALRTBL WRKAPPNSTS WRKAUTL WRKBNDDIR WRKCFGL WRKCFGSTS WRKCHTFMT WRKCLS WRKCMD WRKCNNL WRKCOSD WRKCSI WRKCTLD WRKDDMF WRKDEVD WRKDTAARA WRKDTAQ WRKEDTD WRKF WRKFCNUSG WRKFNTRSC WRKFORMDF WRKFTR WRKGSS WRKIMGCLG WRKIPXD WRKJOBD WRKJOBQ WRKJOBSCDE WRKJRNRCV WRKLIB WRKLIBPDM WRKLIND WRKMBRPDM WRKMLBSTS WRKMNU WRKMOD WRKMODD WRKMSGF WRKMSGQ WRKNODL WRKNTBD WRKNWID WRKNWSD WRKNWSENR WRKNWSSTG WRKOBJ WRKOUTQ WRKOVL WRKPAGDFN WRKPAGSEG WRKPGM WRKPNLGRP WRKPRB WRKPSFCFG WRKQMFORM WRKQMQRY WRKRDBDIRE WRKREGINF WRKSBSD WRKSCHIDX WRKSPADCT WRKSRVPGM WRKSYSVAL WRKTBL WRKTIMZON WRKUSRPRF WRKWTR I suspect many of us can scan that list and find a command that we did not know would take a generic parameter. –Ted RELATED STORY Deleting with a Generic File Name