Intalio’s Open Source BPMS Becomes Full Apache Project
September 18, 2007 Alex Woodie
Orchestration Director Engine (ODE), the open source business process management system (BPMS) developed by Intalio, has graduated from being an incubator project within the Apache Software Foundation to being a full “top level project,” Intalio announced last week. Intalio makes development and runtime tools that allow business analysts to extract business processes from existing systems (including OS/400 servers), standardize them using the business process execution language (BPEL), and expose them to outside systems for the purpose of application integration. BPMSs can also play critical roles in the development and deployment of service oriented architectures (SOAs). ODE is the core process engine underlying the Intalio BPMS suite, and it was contributed to Apache in July 2006. As a top-level Apache project, ODE now resides alongside such successful projects as the Apache HTTP server, which serves more than half of the world’s Web pages. Anybody can download and deploy ODE as part of a BPMS project. The software runs in the Java virtual machine, and had been tested on AIX, Linux, Solaris, MacOSX, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. Ismael Ghalimi, CEO of Intalio, says having ODE developed within the Apache community should help bring BPM 2.0 to a more mainstream audience. “We’re very proud to be working with the Apache Software Foundation on this exciting new project,” he said. “We’re joining a group of less than 55 top level projects, seven of which have been started with donations made by Intalio over the past eight years.” RELATED STORY Vendors Launch ‘SOA Link’ to Increase Interoperability, Adoption