Where’s the Service Program?
December 10, 2008 Hey, Ted
We have two environments: a homegrown system for financials and a canned ERP system for manufacturing. We have written a service program containing subprocedures that access manufacturing data. This service program is stored in a library that is in the manufacturing system’s library list, but is not in the financial system’s library list. Now we need a financial program to use a routine from this service program. We add manufacturing libraries to the end of the finance library list when we create the finance program so the compiler finds the service program and binds to it. It would be nice to add the manufacturing libraries to the end of the finance library list, and vice versa, but that is not possible, so we have added overrides with qualified file names to the CL driver program so that at run time, the system can find the files the service program uses. However, we cannot make the system find the service program at run time, when the financial system library list is in effect. Can you help? –Chris The trick is to qualify the service program when you create the financial system program. If you use the following create command, the system will look through the library list at compile time and at run time to find the service program. CRTPGM PGM(FINANLIB/FINPGM) BNDSRVPGM(*LIBL/SOMESRVPGM) But if you use this command, library MANUFLIB will not have to be in the library list at compile time or at run time. CRTPGM PGM(FINANLIB/FINPGM) BNDSRVPGM(MANUFLIB/SOMESRVPGM) –Ted