Lawson Updates Software for Healthcare Industry
March 13, 2012 Alex Woodie
Lawson Software recently unveiled several software updates for its customers in the healthcare industry, including new releases of its Cloverleaf data integration engine and its Lawson Healthcare Revenue Management system. Lawson, which is an affiliate of Infor, recently updated its Cloverleaf system with the goal of streamlining the integration of systems in clinical healthcare settings. Specifically, the vendor unveiled an enhanced version of its Cloverleaf Secure Courier (CSC), which is used to share patient data. The new release of CSC enables the core Cloverleaf engine to be installed remotely at hospitals and doctors’ offices. The new release of Cloverleaf Global Monitor should do a better job of providing insight into how well Cloverleaf-powered information flows are operating in clinical environments. The software includes a new dashboard that will make it easier for administrators to verify data flows to specific applications or users, and also to create specific views of data for different users. The St. Paul, Minnesota, vendor also unveiled a new release of Healthcare Revenue Management, which previously was called Lawson MediAR. The HRM application is designed to automate manual processes in the areas of claims management, processing remittances and denials, planning follow-ups, and generating collection statements, letters, and work queue “ticklers.” The new HRM app uses Lawson’s Cloverleaf integration software to pull patient data into the system and to access other clinical registration or ADT (admission, diagnosis, and triage) systems, which Lawson says reduces administrative costs. The update also features a new customizable user interface that will increase productivity, Lawson says. It also supports ANSI x12 version 5010 electronic messaging, and gives hospitals the capability to switch between 4010 and 5010 formats. RELATED STORIES Lawson S3 Now an Infor10 Product Infor Hits the Road with New ‘Infor10’ Brand Infor Shares Development Plans for Lawson M3 Infor Debuts Standardized GUI Based on MS SharePoint