Linoma Showcases MFT Customer Successes Via Video
March 19, 2013 Alex Woodie
Linoma Software recently posted a series of customer success stories to its website for GoAnywhere MFT, its managed file transfer (MFT) product for IBM i and other platforms. Among the IBM i shops participating in Linoma’s video are AAA Cooper Transportation, American Fidelity and Liberty Insurance (AF&L), Londen Insurance, Monterey Mushrooms, P.C. Richard and Son, and United Security, Life, and Health. A common theme among the stories is a need to automate and streamline cumbersome file transfer activities. For example, it used to take four or five days to compile the month-end reports required at AF&L, according to the video testimonial provided by vice president of IT Ernest Iannucci. “The time we’re saving is considerable,” Iannucci says in the video. “We were doing two- or three-hundred feeds, and it was all done manually. … Now it’s done within, literally, two hours the next morning and everything just goes out.” Bruce “Hoss” Collins, the IT architect at AAA Cooper Transportation, also had good things to say about the Linoma MFT product, which he says allows the company to avoid an “administrative nightmare” by writing and maintaining custom scripts. “Of all of the managed file transfer [software] we looked at, [GoAnywhere] had better scripting, better capabilities on the iSeries for us to use it, and it was secure, and that was a big key factor,” Collins says according to the video transcript. “A lot of our customers didn’t want their data to be flowing across an unsecure environment, so that’s why we chose it. In fact, we have one customer that, if we had not had the ability to do secure FTP, we would not have that customer.” Barbara Bularzik, a programmer-analyst at Monterey Mushrooms, also appreciates the automation that GoAnywhere products provide for critical functions, such as sending positive pay and worker’s compensation data. “It works very well,” Bularzik says. “No one has to stop their jobs to do these different file transfers; they just run.” You can view all nine video customer testimonials for Linoma’s MFT products at