Allow Repeated Change With SQL Triggers
November 20, 2013 Paul Tuohy
In my previous article, I described how an RPG program as a before trigger, could be used to synchronize two columns in a table. There is an alternative. Instead of using an RPG trigger, we could have used an SQL trigger. An SQL trigger allows us to be more specific about when the trigger is activated and also has the advantage of portability to other database management systems. The scenario was where a date, stored as a packed numeric column, was to be converted to a proper date field. This was accomplished by duplicating the packed numeric column (and its contents) as a date column, recompiling all programs that accessed the table, and adding a before trigger to the table for insert and update. The trigger ensured that the contents of the packed numeric column and the date column were kept in synch. The outcome was that programs could then be changed on a one-by-one basis and be put into production. The trigger program would keep the dates in synch. Even though the RPG trigger program works perfectly and meets all the requirements, there is an overhead in that the trigger program is called before a row is changed, regardless of whether or not one of the date fields has changed. With SQL triggers we have the ability to specify triggers at the column level. So let’s have a look at how we would achieve the same outcome using SQL triggers. We will need to define three SQL triggers:
But First Since there is some code that will be duplicated between the triggers, we will write a couple of stored procedures. Doing so will save us having to copy and paste some code. The first snippet below shows the code needed to create the stored procedure SP_DATE_TO_NUMBER. This procedure takes a date field (in ISO format) and converts it to a numeric field (in ISO format). CREATE PROCEDURE SP_DATE_TO_NUMBER ( IN DATEIN DATE , OUT DATEOUT DECIMAL(8, 0) ) LANGUAGE SQL SPECIFIC SP_DATE_TO_NUMBER DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL CALLED ON NULL INPUT PROGRAM TYPE SUB COMMIT ON RETURN YES SET OPTION ALWBLK = *ALLREAD , ALWCPYDTA = *OPTIMIZE , COMMIT = *NONE , DECRESULT = (31, 31, 00) , DFTRDBCOL = *NONE , DYNDFTCOL = *NO , DYNUSRPRF = *USER , SRTSEQ = *HEX BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE CHARDATE CHAR ( 10 ) ; SET CHARDATE = CHAR(DATEIN) ; SET DATEOUT = INT(SUBSTR(CHARDATE, 1, 4) || SUBSTR(CHARDATE, 6, 2) || SUBSTR(CHARDATE, 9, 2)) ; END ; Next we will look at the code used to create the stored procedure SP_NUMBER_TO_DATE. This procedure takes a numeric field (in ISO format) and converts it to a date field (in ISO format). CREATE PROCEDURE SP_NUMBER_TO_DATE ( IN DATEIN DECIMAL(8, 0) , OUT DATEOUT DATE ) LANGUAGE SQL SPECIFIC SP_NUMBER_TO_DATE DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL CALLED ON NULL INPUT PROGRAM TYPE SUB COMMIT ON RETURN YES SET OPTION ALWBLK = *ALLREAD , ALWCPYDTA = *OPTIMIZE , COMMIT = *NONE , DECRESULT = (31, 31, 00) , DFTRDBCOL = *NONE , DYNDFTCOL = *NO , DYNUSRPRF = *USER , SRTSEQ = *HEX BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE CHARDATE CHAR ( 8 ) ; SET CHARDATE = CHAR ( DATEIN ) ; SET DATEOUT = DATE (SUBSTR(CHARDATE, 1, 4) || '-' || SUBSTR(CHARDATE, 5, 2) || '-' || SUBSTR(CHARDATE, 7, 2)) ; END ; When The Numeric Column Changes The next piece of code we will examine is used to create the SQL trigger TRG_SQL_NUMBER_TO_DATE. This trigger is called before a change is made to the DATESOLD column. The important points to note are:
Here’s the code used to create the stored Procedure TRG_SQL_NUMBER_TO_DATE. CREATE TRIGGER TRG_SQL_NUMBER_TO_DATE BEFORE UPDATE OF DATESOLD ON PRODUCT REFERENCING NEW AS NEW_ROW FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2ROW SET OPTION ALWBLK = *ALLREAD , ALWCPYDTA = *OPTIMIZE , COMMIT = *NONE , DECRESULT = (31, 31, 00) , DFTRDBCOL = *NONE , DYNDFTCOL = *NO , DYNUSRPRF = *USER , SRTSEQ = *HEX BEGIN ATOMIC CALL SP_NUMBER_TO_DATE(NEW_ROW.DATESOLD, NEW_ROW.LAST_SELL) ; END ; When The Date Column Changes Next, let’s look at the code used to create the SQL trigger TRG_SQL_DATE_TO_NUMBER. This trigger is called before a change is made to the LAST_SELL column. The process is very similar to the TRG_SQL_NUMBER_TO_DATE trigger, except that the SP_DATE_TO_NUMBER stored procedure is called to convert the date from the date column to the numeric column. CREATE TRIGGER TRG_SQL_DATE_TO_NUMBER BEFORE UPDATE OF LAST_SELL ON PRODUCT REFERENCING NEW AS NEW_ROW FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2ROW SET OPTION ALWBLK = *ALLREAD , ALWCPYDTA = *OPTIMIZE , COMMIT = *NONE , DECRESULT = (31, 31, 00) , DFTRDBCOL = *NONE , DYNDFTCOL = *NO , DYNUSRPRF = *USER , SRTSEQ = *HEX BEGIN ATOMIC CALL SP_DATE_TO_NUMBER(NEW_ROW.LAST_SELL, NEW_ROW.DATESOLD) ; END ; When A Row Is Inserted Finally, the last piece of code is used to create the SQL trigger TRG_SQL_SYNC_NEW_DATES. This trigger is called before a new row is inserted. Based on whether or not the value of the numeric column is zero, the trigger will call either the SP_NUMBER_TO_DATE stored procedure (to perform the conversion of the date in the numeric column to the date column), or the SP_DATE_TO_NUMBER stored procedure (to convert the date from the date column to the numeric column). CREATE TRIGGER TRG_SQL_SYNC_NEW_DATES BEFORE INSERT ON PRODUCT REFERENCING NEW AS NEW_ROW FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2ROW SET OPTION ALWBLK = *ALLREAD , ALWCPYDTA = *OPTIMIZE , COMMIT = *NONE , DECRESULT = (31, 31, 00) , DFTRDBCOL = *NONE , DYNDFTCOL = *NO , DYNUSRPRF = *USER , SRTSEQ = *HEX BEGIN ATOMIC IF NEW_ROW . DATE_LAST_SOLD = 0 THEN CALL SP_DATE_TO_NUMBER(NEW_ROW.LAST_SELL, NEW_ROW.DATESOLD) ; ELSE CALL SP_NUMBER_TO_DATE(NEW_ROW.DATESOLD, NEW_ROW.LAST_SELL) ; END IF ; END ; RPG Triggers Vs. SQL Triggers Both RPG and SQL triggers have their advantages. With the RPG trigger we only had one trigger program that looked after all of the processing. The only problem was the trigger was activated even when one of the columns we were concerned about was not changed. With the SQL triggers, we could be more specific about when the triggers are activated but we had to write separate trigger programs. Either approach is valid. Why not try them both? Paul Tuohy is CEO of ComCon, an iSeries consulting company, and is one of the co-founders of System i Developer, which hosts the RPG & DB2 Summit conferences. He is an award-winning speaker who also speaks regularly at COMMON conferences, and is the author of “Re-engineering RPG Legacy Applications,” “The Programmers Guide to iSeries Navigator,” and the self-study course called “iSeries Navigator for Programmers.” Send your questions or comments for Paul to Ted Holt via the IT Jungle Contact page. RELATED STORY Allow Repeated Change With Before Triggers