February 12, 2019 Timothy Prickett Morgan
February 12, 2019 Timothy Prickett Morgan
Do you need area code information?
Do you need ZIP Code information?
Do you need ZIP+4 information?
Do you need city name information?
Do you need county information?
Do you need a nearest dealer locator system?
We can HELP! We have affordable AS/400 software and data to do all of the above. Whether you need a simple city name retrieval system or a sophisticated CASS postal coding system, we have it for you!
The ZIP/CITY system is based on 5-digit ZIP Codes. You can retrieve city names, state names, county names, area codes, time zones, latitude, longitude, and more just by knowing the ZIP Code. We supply information on all the latest area code changes. A nearest dealer locator function is also included. ZIP/CITY includes software, data, monthly updates, and unlimited support. The cost is $495 per year.
PER/ZIP4 is a sophisticated CASS certified postal coding system for assigning ZIP Codes, ZIP+4, carrier route, and delivery point codes. PER/ZIP4 also provides county names and FIPS codes. PER/ZIP4 can be used interactively, in batch, and with callable programs. PER/ZIP4 includes software, data, monthly updates, and unlimited support. The cost is $3,900 for the first year, and $1,950 for renewal.
Just call us and we’ll arrange for 30 days FREE use of either ZIP/CITY or PER/ZIP4.
WorksRight Software, Inc.
Phone: 601-856-8337
Fax: 601-856-9432
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