Make That Three 5250 Emulators Supporting Vista
April 3, 2007 Alex Woodie
Zephyr is close to gaining certification from Microsoft that its PASSPORT 2007 host emulation software–due for release this summer–is compatible with the new Windows Vista operating system, the vendor announced this week. PASSPORT is one of a number of terminal emulation programs that enable users to access AS/400, iSeries, and System i programs from Web, Windows, and mobile interfaces. In addition to 5250 support, PASSPORT supports mainframe (3270), and UNIX (VT, SCO ANSI, and Wyse) connectivity, and comes with its own FTP client. When PASSPORT 2007 ships later this year, it will be certified for Vista. Currently, only two other emulator vendors have announced support for the new Windows operating system, including Seagull Software (with its BlueZone suite of products) and Attachmate with its EXTRA! X-treme suite of products. In addition to support for Vista, PASSPORT 2007 will feature new security options, enhanced FTP file transfer, an improved end user “experience,” and greater Attachmate compatibility, among other features, the vendor said.