Surround Tech Reminds Visual LANSA Users of Add-On Tools’ Value
August 4, 2009 Alex Woodie
Attention LANSA customers: If you have found Surround Technologies bundle of add-ons for Visual LANSA useful, you may want to take a look at the latest addition to the Accelerator series, including a new Task-Reminder application and another that creates groups of items on LANSA-developed systems. Surround Tech is a New Jersey software development company that makes add-on tools to be used by LANSA developers. One of its most popular applications is Accelerator for Visual LANSA, a toolkit that the company claims can reduce the time required to develop a Visual LANSA application by 50 percent or more. In July, the company announced the addition of two more utilities. The first, called Task-Reminder, allows a developer to create programs that remind users, and also to create programs to manage tasks. Surround Tech says tasks can be created using any system items, including products, orders, or invoices. When it’s time for a user or a group of users to tackle a task, they can be sent a reminder from the system. The second addition is called the Categories App. According to Surround Tech, this program allows users to identify and group associated items. Users can choose from a set of existing categories or create their own, and then assign the categories to system items, the company says. Categories are identified with a name, description, and an icon, the company adds. The company plans to deliver the two new programs to its other major plug-in series, Accelerator for .NET, by November, the company says. For more info, see RELATED STORY Surround Tech Generates .NET Interfaces for i OS Apps