Compiler Directives for RPG Programs and Modules
November 13, 2002 Ted Holt
Hey, Ted:
I would like to define a standard set of H specs for my RPG source members so that all will compile with the same options. However, some RPG source members are compiled as modules and others are compiled as standalone programs. This means I can’t include the DFTACTGRP and ACTGRP keywords in the standard H specs because RPG doesn’t allow them when compiling modules. Do you have any tips that will help me solve the problem?
— Tony
In V5R1 IBM added some new predefined compiler conditions that will help you solve this problem. The new conditions are also available for V4R4 and V4R5 as PTF SF65716.
- *ILERPG is defined if you are compiling from the iSeries RPG ILE compiler, but not defined if you are compiling with VisualAge RPG.
- *CRTBNDRPG is defined if you are using the Create Bound RPG Program (CRTBNDRPG) command to compile the source member as a standalone program.
- *CRTRPGMOD is defined if you are using the Create RPG Module (CRTRPGMOD) command to compile the source members into a module object.
- *VxRxMx is defined if your compiler is at or above the release you indicate. The earliest release you may specify is V4R4M0. You can use this condition to include different code sections for different releases.
I threw the following two source members together to address your situation. The first source member, HSPECS, contains compiler options:
/if defined(*crtbndrpg) H dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new) /endif H indent('| ') option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio)
I was able to compile the code in this source member with both CRTBNDRPG and CRTRPGMOD:
/include qrpglesrc,hspecs D somevar s 4a C eval somevar = 'ABCD' /if defined(*crtbndrpg) C eval *inlr = *on /endif C return
— Ted
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