IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 27, Number 11
March 17, 2025 Doug Bidwell
Last week was a busy week for PTF patches, but not for security vulnerabilities. And this week is even quieter, but there are new defective PTF reports this week that you need to keep an eye on, as is usually the case in most weeks.
Here is the rundown of PTF Groups by IBM i release level since we last published:
PTF Groups 7.5:
- None
PTF Groups 7.4:
- MQ for IBM i – v9.0.0/v9.1.0/v9.2.0/v9.3.0
PTF Groups 7.3:
- None
Tip O’ The Week: We are thinking.
New (or Updated) links added to the ‘Links’ tab in The Guide this week:
- None